Authors Who Turned Me into a Reader-Part 1 of Why I Write

Most, if not all, writers start at the same place. As readers. Our love of reading leads us to fulfill our destiny of saying what others cannot. To produce the stories people need. And how did we learn such a career existed? By reading! We started as the readers we now cherish. Certain authors set us on the path. Everyone has their favorites. And these are the beautiful souls that lead me to my journey. The authors who turned me into a reader, and ultimately a writer.

Books writers and readers, Tolkien, Andrews, R.L. Stine, Ann M Martin

We’re going to do this as chronologically as possible. Becoming a reader starts in childhood. The books we’re read at home. The books our teachers and parents read to us. So journey with me, if you will, to the days of my youth…

P.D. Eastman

Go Dog Go a children's book by P.D. Eastman

Truthfully, this is my mom’s favorite children’s book. She read it to us often. And, while I have no idea why she loves it (I found the dog who didn’t like the other dog’s hat mean, but what did I know? I was just a kid) this book was a staple of my childhood. I knew all the words, all the puppies inside, and all the silly pictures. Entertaining and memorable. This probably started my whole crazy writer life. So… Thanks Mom!

Eastman created a lovely dog world in Go, Dog. Go! Simple. Fun. Relatable. My four year old niece loves it. Her grandma, my mom, reads it to her. Just as she did with me. Hopefully it will instill in her a love of silly stories the way it did for this writer. Who knows? Maybe my niece will grow to be an author herself!

R.L. Stine

Goosebumps Welcome to Dead House by R.L. Stine. A popular scary story for kids.

What kid doesn’t love Goosebumps? I think every child in America gets a solid start with R.L. Stine. Spooky. Creepy. So. Much. Stinking. Fun! I loved every single one. And then he did the Choose Your Own Adventure books! The ones where you pick where you go in the story. Jumping around the entire book. What fun! Ah! I can’t get over what Stine did for me as a kid. I picked up my first Goosebumps in like… 5th grade? (ish.) And let me tell you… I wasn’t thrilled. I thought, “This book looks stupid. No princesses. Why do I care about monsters? These books are for boys!”

What an idiot. I loved the first one, and every single one after. So great! R.L. Stine speaks to kids beautifully. He entertains. Reaching the entire audience of children. Every kid loves his stories. He speaks to them, and their interests. Such a talented writer.

Ann M. Martin

The first Baby-sitters Club Book a book series for kids by Ann M. Martin

Oh, man. My friends and I LIVED off these books for all of 6th grade. At least. Actually it started in 4th grade. Maybe even sooner. We read these books furiously. Every single one. All the spin-offs. We watched the TV show and the movie. A great time was had and this book series was responsible for so much of it.

Martin creates fun stories, that deal with what kids deal with. Friendship dynamics, step-parents, diabetes… Her stories aren’t traumatic, but they don’t graze over real-life stuff. Growing up, I was totally a Kristy (kind of bossy, resourceful, ambitious) and my best friend was a complete Claudia (artistic, free-spirited, innovative). Parts of our personalities had the potential to put our friendship at risk. But! I fully believe this book series showed us that different personalities can thrive together. Everyone is important. We embraced who were were, just like the girls in Baby-sitters Club did. Ann M. Martin just gives me all the good feelings.

Yoshiko Uchida

Journey to Topaz, the story of Japanese Interment Camps, a children's book by Yoshiko Uchida

I read Journey to Topaz three times between 6th grade and 7th grade. I LOVE this book. The subject matter is deep and painful, but Uchida tells it with hope and beauty. A terrible mark on America’s history, this story made me think. Feel. I think that’s why I kept going back to it. It made me feel. It showed me something ugly, but taught me that people are strong.

I think this was the first book I read that invoked true emotion through writing. Oh! The Feelings!! Conflict. Sadness. Confusion. Injustice. But also hope. Strength. Tenacity. Ah! Yoshiko Uchida did such a beautiful job with this story. I think I’ll go read it again…

V.C. Andrews

Runaways, part of the Orphans series, by V.C Andrews.

I read this book in 9th grade. CHANGED MY LIFE. V.C. Andrews was a turning point for me. I went from girl who kind of likes to read sometimes to always having a book with me. In my backpack, in my locker, in my purse. I became a reader. A bookworm. And so, SO, happy.

This book may have been a tad mature for me at 14. But! It was so engaging. The story was captivating, driven, suspenseful. Andrews has a way of sucking you in, without mercy. Some of her plots are even predictable, but her storytelling forces you to keep going anyway. This author taught me the power of a book. Of a story.


The Lord of the Rings, fantasy books by J.R.R. Tolkien

No list of authors (if composed by myself) can exclude Tolkien. He is my literary idol. Tolkien took me from reader of whatever, to literature enthusiast. Okay… Story time!

First of all, I honestly thought I was too stupid to read “real” literature. Classics, if you will. I thought I wouldn’t understand them. That they’d be over my head. Vocabulary would be too difficult. Themes wouldn’t be exciting. Blah blah blah. People discouraged me from reading things like this. They said, “it’s probably too hard for you and boring.”


I love classics. You don’t have to be a genius to get them. Or love them. They’re all beautiful and wonderful and if anybody tells you differently you send them to me. I’ll take care of it. >insert chosen angry threat here<

Second, and this is a little shameful, I saw the first movie BEFORE I read any of the books. I hate myself for it, but… that’s just how my life played out. Any who, after seeing the movie Fellowship of the Ring I dashed out and bought ALL the books. I now own Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, The Simarillion, The Book of Lost Tales… Even some theory and language books on Tolkien’s world. Read ’em all. Love ’em all.

Tolkien opened up a doorway for me. Not just for classic literature, but for fantasy as well. A deep love of high fantasy grew quickly. Which led me to science fiction. Which led me to write. My first book is science fiction. Had I not ventured into Middle Earth, I never would continued on to create my own worlds. It really is that simple.

He is a true genius and beautiful soul. I owe him my life.


There was a time when I felt all I had was Middle Earth. Those adventures gave me purpose when dealing with a particularly difficult phase of life. I clung to them for strength. I keep them near now… Just in case I need them. Tolkien’s characters were my friends. My family. They still are.

And now I’m a reader who writes. Or a writer who reads. You can pick.

These are the writers who turned me into a reader. They’re the reason I write. Had I not found them, the fire of story telling would never have ignited. I’d be wandering around searching for a destiny. Now, I wander searching for a story.

But, you know what Tolkien says…

Quote by J.R.R. Tolkien author of Lord of the Rings (Not all those who wander are lost)
(Click to Tweet!)

Be sure to check back for Part 2 of Why I Write: Authors Who Turned Me into a Writer. More authors to gush about. More books to swoon over… All that jazz. Also, I’d love to hear about the authors who took YOU from “regular person” to reader. What book changed your life and turned you into a fantasy world creature?

Hell’s Princess Tomorrow!


Hell’s Princess comes out tomorrow! Here are the details you need to know:

TOMORROW: Hell’s Princess will be available

FRIDAY: Demonic Illusions The Complete Series will be available digitally (ebook, Kindle, Nook)

NEXT WEEK: Demonic Illusions The Complete Series will be available in paperback

There is a slight delay in the print version. I was afraid it would happen. But, there isn’t much to be done about it. The paperback just wasn’t high enough quality. So, I had to fix some formatting issues. But! Another proof is on its way to me, meaning it will be available to all of you soon. I cannot apologize enough for the delay. I absolutely hate it. However, I want to give my readers the best, and it just wasn’t good enough. We’re on our way, though! Just a tiny… bit… longer…

Links will be posted in the morning for Hell’s Princess. I cannot thank you all enough for your support. See you tomorrow!

(Need to catch up? Demonic Illusions Book 1 Demonic Impulse can be found here for Kindle or here for Nook)


Books 1 and 2 Now Available!


Delilah says smart things. I love her as a character. She’s insane, but wise. Beautiful, but deadly. She knows who she is and doesn’t apologize.

Get to know Delilah better in Demonic Illusions.

Demonic Impulse (Book 1)

Haunted (Book 2)

Throwback Thursday (A Blog Experiment)

Yes, yes. I do realize it’s Wednesday. But, I have an idea.

I think my husband rolls his eyes and holds his breath when a crazy like me says “I have an idea.” But, bear with me…

Throwback Thursday can be really fun. I used to participate on this blog until I realized that no one here knew me and/or cares about what silly-ness I had found myself a part of years/months/days ago.

Today it hit me. This is a blog about my writing. Things I’ve just released and things coming soon. What if I included things I’ve written in the past. Bam! Lightening. Idea. Throwback Thursday could be a segment in which I post an article/story/rant from long ago.

It might be fun to read what I used to be. The writer I once was. How I’ve improved. Things that have driven me to where I am now. Great idea, yeah?

Yes. Yes it is. Because sometimes I say important things. I’ve got some posts lined up about religion, dating, writing, and life in general that are honest and real.

H.G. Wells Quote (Past)

See? The past is important in learning where we wish to go. I wish to get better, so I’ll post my bad writing and mercilessly tear it apart. Or remember a tough time and build strength from what I’ve been through.

So! I pose the question, faithful readers, would this be a thing you might care about? Would a short post from the past be worth a read?

Ooooh, I’m all tingly. This could be fun.



I know it seems cliché, but I’m devastated by the passing of the exquisite David Bowie.

I’ve been a fan since I was eight years old.

He’s been an inspiration, role model, and friend. (I didn’t know him personally, wish I did, but I feel like I did. He’s always been there. I needed Space Oddity, Under Pressure, Labyrinth, and others more than once.)

Bowie Quote 1

I used to say if Bowie stopped me on the street and proposed marriage, I’d say yes without question. Now that I’ve married my husband, I’d settle for Bowie and me being super fun BFF’s.

And, one time, this friend of mine mentioned how upset he was when Brad Delp from the band Boston died. He really took it hard. I said, that would probably be my reaction when Bowie finally goes. He told me it would never happen. “Please,” he said, “Bowie is immortal.” And, I think a part of me really believed that. I mean really. While I know that his music, and presence, will live on forever, it still seems unnatural that he’s gone.

Bowie Quote 2

I’ll miss him.

And I will never, ever, forget him.


Where I Am.


He’s right, though!

I am so grateful my life ended up where it did. As a child I never intended to write. I thought I’d end up a ballet dancer, or a singer. Well, my career as a dancer came to a screeching halt at 18 when I injured myself. I still sing, but not often enough. Being creative, I turned to writing.

Getting stories out of my head gave me purpose. I become so attached to my characters, I feel guilty when I don’t write enough. They need their stories told, and I’m the only one who can do it!

The point is… I intended to be a principal ballet dancer, or a broadway star.

I’m neither of those things.

What I am is a writer who has the love an outstanding man, a loving family, little baby animals (they’re not babies, they’re actually quite grown) who love me unconditionally, and a three year old niece watching my every move. If that’s not motivation to do my best, I don’t know what is.

I’ve got love coming from every direction. How could I want for anything?

Okay, I’m starting to sound like a hippie.

To rough up this post a little, I’ll add that I am not able to make a living with my writing.


(ahem, you can buy my first book, Kevin, buy clicking the link on my sidebar that says “buy my book here”)

Thanks for reading.